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Files cannot be copied to FRITZ!NAS

The FRITZ!NAS user interface (http://fritz.nas) cannot be used to copy files to a USB storage device connected to the FRITZ!Box although there is enough space on the storage device. The web browser (for example Firefox, Chrome, Safari) either does not react when you click the "Add" button in the FRITZ!NAS user interface or copying is terminated immediately after clicking "Add". The following error message may be displayed:

"Copying complete. 1 file was not copied."

1 File or partition size is not supported

The FRITZ!Box supports USB storage devices with partitions of up to 4 terabytes in size. Copying files to a partition with 4 terabytes or more is not supported by the FRITZ!Box.

USB storage devices that are formatted with the file system FAT32 only support files up to 4 gigabytes in size. Copying files that are larger than 4 gigabytes to a USB storage device formatted with FAT32 is not supported.


  1. Connect the USB storage device to a computer.
  2. If you are using a USB storage device with the FAT32 file system, reformat the storage device with a different file system. Use exFAT or NTFS, for example.
  3. If you are using a USB storage device with partitions that are 4 terabytes or larger, reformat the storage device and only create a maximum of four partitions, each no larger than 4 terabytes in size.

    ATTENTION!Back up your data before reformatting your USB storage device because all of the data on it will be lost during this process. Refer to the manufacturer for information on the formatting procedure.