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Finding the ideal location for the FRITZ!Box

By finding the ideal location for the FRITZ!Box, you lay the foundation for a stable and fast Wi-Fi network in your home network. Smartphone and tablet users in particular are dependent on stable Wi-Fi reception. Since they frequently change their location, the Wi-Fi network should ideally cover all rooms. It is therefore important to find a location for the FRITZ!Box where the range of the Wi-Fi network is not already limited by certain factors. You can use the following points as a guide:

  1. If possible, place the FRITZ!Box in a centrally located room. The FRITZ!Box has omnidirectional antennas. The Wi-Fi signal is therefore emitted spherically in all directions.
  2. Do not place the FRITZ!Box directly in the corner of a room.
  3. Position the FRITZ!Box so that it is as unobstructed as possible, i.e. not directly in back of or under an obstacle such as pieces of furniture or a heater.
  4. Place the FRITZ!Box as high in the room as possible, for example on a shelf.
  5. Place the FRITZ!Box so that there are as few obstacles as possible between it and the wireless devices. Even small objects in the immediate vicinity of your FRITZ!Box can greatly reduce the range of the Wi-Fi signal. Especially metallic objects or objects containing water, for example radiators, refrigerators, or houseplants, significantly reduce the quality of the Wi-Fi signal.
  6. Place the FRITZ!Box away from other radio transmitters, such as microwaves, wireless speakers, or Bluetooth devices.